Tuesday, December 31, 2019

June in Ontario

While Peter and I were at the locker last week getting the couch, we filled the rest of the truck with boxes of other items I thought I could sell at a yard sale that was scheduled to be at the campground June 1st. Here's how I set up my stuff:

I did sell a few items, though I'm not sure the proceeds were worth all the effort. I tried selling the golf clothes and some spare accessories one Tuesday evening at an event for the Ladies League at Freedom Oaks. That was a complete waste of time. I donated a new lap blanket to a nursing home in Dunnville. What remained was donated to a second hand store in Dundas, where I felt I had closer ties than Dunnville. 

A few days later, my Ex-sister in law Christine was making a stop in Hamilton on her way to England and Ireland. 
A group of her friends from when she lived in Hamilton and I joined her at Swiss Chalet in East Hamilton for dinner. We have been communicating by phone and email periodically since she moved to British Columbia. There was a chance I was going to go out to the Canadian Senior Women's Golf Championship in BC in August and have a visit with her there, but this opportunity to visit, however briefly had helped me decide that the trip out west isn't really very important to me anymore and I will be skipping the Canadians. 

June 7th I was thinking about going to watch the Canadian Open in Ancaster at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club. I had arranged for a free pass and would have been able to see my friend Johnny Andrew. It was also Enid Aaron's birthday and she was going to be volunteering at the course that day and was going to be staying for the concert, which I also has some interest in. After rain on Thursday, I decided against going as it would have been a long day, between the drive there, watching golf, waiting for the concert to begin and then driving home in the dark. I decided to forgo the trip and ended up playing a nice round of golf with Lynn in the afternoon. 

June 12th I had an appointment at Beverly Golf Club to return my share and pick up a cheque for its value. I had been holding onto it primarily for sentimental reasons, but the privilege had been costing me $50 per month for quite a few years now, my share of the cost of the mortgage on the new clubhouse. I had been informed that there would soon be another assessment in order for them to upgrade the irrigation system. Seeing as I don't believe I will re-activate my membership to play there regularly, I decided selling at this time was the best alternative. While there I played what will be my final round at the course with my friend John Sharp, who I have played with several other times. I stayed over at Peter's. 

The following day I participated in a Mah Jongg Tournament at Beth Jacob Synagogue. I was a little rusty and didn't win anything, but it was a fun day, with good food and a chance to see some old acquaintances from the synagogue and some distant cousins. 
June 15th I played on a team in a Ladies golf tournament, a fundraiser for breast cancer, at Lookout Point, which is where the Canadian Senior Woman's championship was held last year, which I played in. This tournament is held only once every two years and has a waiting list. I was filling in for a lady who couldn't make it. I had played elsewhere with Patricia and Soon. It was interesting to meet Kathy and get to know her. She is an Indigenous Canadian who lives on a nearby reservation. Kathy picked up Patricia and then picked me up on her way to the course, which is about 45 minutes from my place.
Patricia Brat, Kathy Jamieson, Me & Soon Huh.
I ran into quite a few ladies there that I knew from other golf events. Our team ended up in a three way tie in the putting contest. In order to break the tie they had a putt off in the banquet hall, with an indoor putting game and putters from the pro shop. One representative was selected for each team. I was selected for the team I was on. After the first round of sudden death, one team was eliminated. The other gal and I went 3 more rounds before she missed and I made it! We won gift sets of watches and bracelets. They were different colors, so we traded among ourselves until we had the colors we wanted.
I was happy with the Black set.
In the scramble tournament we placed 5th overall and got a gift certificate, which I exchanged for a pair of rain pants.
June 22nd was the big Dunnville Hospital Fundraising golf tournament at Freedom Oaks. I thought the price was a bit high for people who were already members of the course, so instead of playing in it, I decided to try a course in the area that was new to me. I chose to play at Pelham Hills 
after getting a really good deal on the green fees from the Golf Now ap. I was put in a group with a Chinese couple and their 25 year old daughter from Toronto. They were all pretty good golfers. I had a nice round with them. They were spending the weekend in nearby Niagara Falls as a goodbye celebration before their daughter was heading to Germany for a job. I enjoyed the course. It was a bit wet, as pretty much everywhere in the area is given all the rain we have had this spring

June 28th I packed up some things and headed to my cousins, Steven and Judi Kauffman, cottage for their annual "cousins weekend." I had been invited in the past but had not been able to attend as it conflicted with golf events or other commitments as summer weekends are usually pretty busy, especially as this one was also the long Canada Day holiday weekend. Last years was cancelled because Judi was battling some health conditions, so it was a great sign that the event was taking place this year. I felt it was very important to attend, seeing as we aren't getting any younger. It ended up being mostly a Smurlick weekend as everyone from my immediate family that lives in Ontario attended, and there was only one other couple there for the most part of the weekend, with a few others coming up only for part of one day. 
Dinner Friday Night
Everyone was given a shopping list of items to bring towards the meals and we all pitched in at various times for their preparation. I was assigned 3 types of melon. 
The weather wasn't perfect, but one day Steven took us all out on his new pontoon boat for a cruise, primarily to get ice cream cones. 

Another day I got out in my kayak, while Rob and Elizabeth were in a canoe. I saw the cutest family of Loons. 
Mother Loon and three chicks.
At nighttime you could clearly hear their haunting calls.  I was prepared to teach Judi to play Mah Jongg, but she decided she wasn't interested, so my students ended up being Shirley, Elizabeth and Robert. We also played Rummy cube, Settlers of Catan, watched some movies, enjoyed conversation during meals and had a tour of Steven's observatory. At Steven's request, I built a 4 hole pitch and putt golf course in the front yard. 

I also had a minor roll helping Steven, Elizabeth and Robert build a corn hole set, using Steven's power tools and safety equipment. Overall it was a really fun weekend.
Typical sunset over the lake.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

May in Ontario

Since returning from the Dominican Republic on May 7th, the weather has improved. I made a great decision in going on that trip. Shelly, my trailer, was just fine when I got back. 

I went out to Freedom Oaks to play a round. I was rather upset that they hadn't yet replaced the cups and flag sticks, which were well worn the previous season, but now with the new rules of golf allowing for putting with the flag stick left in the hole, it is of paramount importance that the flag stand straight up in the hole. These worn ones tend to lean in whichever direction the wind is blowing. After some pleading and checking the actual cost of new ones (just over $1,000 for 18), I was assured they would be replaced and were within a couple of weeks. 

Friday May 10th I attended a production by the local amateur theater company. It was called Sex Please We're 60, a comedy. 
The set.
I had hear it was featuring the former Chief of Medicine from the local hospital, who had recently retired and thus had more chance to enjoy his hobbies, another of which is golfing at the same course I am a member of. His performance was well done, but it was hard for me to overlook the fact that another role, that should have been played by a man was being played by a woman, and they did NOTHING to make her a convincing guy, no greased back hair, no wig, no fake facial hair, no beer belly (pillow), no strapping down her breasts, no shirt tucked in with a big metal belt buckle around her waist, nothing! I know it was amateur but really?  Perhaps if they couldn't field and appropriate cast they should have done a different production? I won't be rushing to their next presentation. 

I ventured into Toronto for three nights starting on the 13th, staying with my friend Paula. The first part of the plan was for me to met up with my friends Dean and Carrie George (who I last saw briefly in Arizona last winter) for a wonderful Dim Sum brunch in Markham at 10:00, following which Dean and a couple of other fellows and myself were supposed to play a round at Spring Lakes, where Dean is a member, in advance of the Ontario Tournament of Champions the following day. The weather was very overcast and rainy, which made the traffic much slower than usual. Although I thought I had given myself oodles of time to make it to the restaurant on time without going on the 407 Toll road, the traffic was so bad I had to utilize it for the last portion of the trip or I would have been very late for the meal. (Weeks later I got a bill for around $20.00.) Unfortunately, the weather wasn't very co-operative. It had rained and continued to rain most of the day. I hadn't played the course before, only having been driven around it about 22 years previously (the trees had grown considerably), when I was considering joining it. I really don't like to play in the rain if I have a choice, Dean's friends had already cancelled and Dean wasn't that keen on playing either. So instead of playing we went out to the course got a cart and did a quick drive around it. The course was extremely wet. Our cart got bogged down a few times in the muck. I was thinking that the tournament should be cancelled because the course was so soggy, there was even standing water in many bunkers and on some portions of some greens! Dean gave me some strategic advice, I took a few measurements and we went back to his house to dry out. We had more time to visit before dinner, prepared by Carrie and the younger of her two sons, who is still living at home. After dinner I "checked in" to Paula's place.

The following day I got up, had breakfast and made my way across town to the golf course. I was still hoping they would cancel the tournament, but I guess there is a lot of pressure not to as the field was vary large, comprised of all age groups and both the male and female club champions from all over the province. Many had traveled further than I did. At registration we received a small towel and some kind of business card holder, not very impressive gifts. It was at this point that I also learned that the information about the tees we were going to be playing, that was on the website and on which I based my notes were wrong. We were going to be playing from further back, thank you Golf Ontairo! I'm sad that given that we all had to ride and we used 36 different holes, that we did a lot of damage to the course, which may adversely affect all their members for a considerable period of time this spring/summer. 

I was competing in the Amateur Women's division as that is the portion of the Club Championship I played in at Freedom Oaks last summer, even though I qualify for the Senior age division. I sloshed around and slugged it out placing 10th in the field of 23. The final results showed the top 6 spots held by the younger players, mostly college age. If I had shot the same score playing in the Senior Women's division I would have placed 4th, but given that they also played from tees shorter than the Amateurs I likely would have had a lower score and placed even higher. We were fortunate that it didn't rain during the entire round, just off and on and not very hard when it was on, but the course was so soggy it was often either a long way to get way from "casual water" or basically impossible. The highlight of the day was the hearty buffet style meal the club served afterwards. This summer I will play the Senior Club Championship at Freedom Oaks, so that if I win there I can play the provincial in the Senior division next year. 

After the dinner, I headed back to Paula's where we had a nice visit before bedtime.The following morning, May 15th, I had an appointment to have a mammogram/ultrasound done on one of my breasts. I had been informed shortly after my appointment last November that the pictures weren't clear and they couldn't rule out breast cancer until I had this follow up done. I took the bus and subway there and back as opposed to driving downtown. It was quite an eyeopener, as I hadn't been on public transit in Toronto in quite a few years. I definitely felt like a minority. The multiculturalism of the city was very evident during my travels on the TTC vehicles. Thankfully I go the all clear after another mammogram and an ultrasound. I also had a brief visit with my family doctor that day. Later in the day I drove over and visited my storage locker to take some measurements of my couch, because my brother Peter was in the market for something to replace his old love seat. I also had a brief visit with my cousins Judy and Steven. That evening Paula and I went out for an Indian dinner and further caught up with each other. The following morning I headed back to Dunnville. 

May 21st I drafted and sent a letter to my pension company, OMERS, informing them that I wanted to start collecting my pension right after I would be turning 55. I've been retired and living off my nest egg for 7 1/2 years. 
It will be nice to be getting monthly income again!

May 23rd to 25th I traveled to Syracuse, NY, just with the truck, to play in the Ada Mackenzie matches, which I qualified for based on the Ontario Senior Women's Order of Merit for last year. In the practice round I played with Sue Postian (my partner from last years 4 ball at Ladies), Mary Ann Hayward and Judith Krynis, who were just coming back from the USGA Senior Women's Open in Pinehurst, NC. The latter two weren't hitting many full shots, as they were too tired. The course was quite nice, but Syracuse was also suffering from a cool and rainy spring. 
Opposition had to drain the long putt to
tie the hole after Mary Anne pitched in.
View from highest point.
Scoring Sheets
In the first round of the tournament, in Chapman format, I was paired with Terrill Samuel, who was also a The Open. Neither of us was playing particularly well and we lost our match, though it was close. All the other Canadian teams won, so we had a 4 - 1 lead after day one. That evening the Raptors were playing in the NBA Finals, which they won, I don't know where my room mate Marion Reid watched the game, but I did so in our room by myself. The following day, I was paired with Mary Ann. I had a few moments of brilliance and we took all three points in our match in Better Ball format. Our team won the overall event easily. 

Thursday May 30th I attended the Beth Jacob lottery night with my brother. I didn't think it was a good as last year. The food was fine, but the silent auction items weren't as appealing to me and for some reason they gave away a lot of door prizes, included in the price of the admission ticket, rather than using them for a silent auction or doing a "penny sale." I feel it was a big mistake if the purpose of the event was to raise funds for the synagogue!  The Chief of Police for Hamilton sat at our table and provided some interesting conversation. 

The following day we went into Toronto to pick up the couch we had decided would fit nicely in his living room and would be more comfortable for his girlfriend Debby.
It was kind of exhausting work. We were lucky to find some strong fellows to help us lift it into the truck in Toronto. To get it into the house we/I had to take all the backs off and then reattach them. I'm glad we got it done. This couch was one of the nicer and newer items that was in my storage locker of things from the condo.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Different Kind of Adventure - Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

At the end of April, the weather was so depressing and the forecast wasn't offering any improvement on the horizon. To give you some idea, here was the scene from my kitchen window:
Last fall then the weather was horrible before I was scheduled to head to the US I had been kicking myself that I hadn't thought of going somewhere else and I just couldn't let history repeat itself, so I decided to try and arrange to go somewhere that the weather would be better. 

I only need to be in Ontario 5 months out of the year in order to keep my Provincial health care. I'm only allowed to be in the USA for 6 months of the year, so I was looking for another country to visit for a week or so. I checked the weather for several Caribbean Islands and found that the best forecast for the next 10 -14 days was in the Dominica Republic. I used to travel there annually from around the mid 1980's to the mid 1990's and always enjoyed it so was keen to go back. 

The travel agent at the CAA in Hamilton suggested Dreams Palm Beach Resort in Punta Cana, which didn't charge a supplement for traveling single. 

I was scheduled to leave in a couple of days!

I borrowed a traveling golf club case from a friend, packed my suitcase and headed to the airport in Toronto. 

Though my flight didn't leave terribly early in the morning of April 30th, it was short enough that, even after having to wait about an extra 30 minutes for one couple to find their way to the van that was transferring about 9 of us to our resorts, I was able to have a late bite of lunch shortly after arriving at the hotel. After lunch I spoke to the concierge about arranging a round of golf for me the following day. 
Swinging bench with selfie photo opportunity/advertising.
The beach was nice and long, with some seaweed 
washing ashore, which the staff work hard at collecting.
This hotel has several specialty restaurants (only open for dinner) and a large buffet restaurant with a lot of variety (open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.) There is also a grill on the beach and "pop-up" food carts sometimes near the pool. Unlike some other similar resorts, this one does not take reservations for dinner at the specialty restaurants. From their experience it is better to just seat people as they arrive, that way tables don't sit empty waiting for people who never show up! I liked this method. The first evening I tried to get into the French specialty restaurant (my least favorite of the types of food on offer, but I wanted to try them all), but was advised to try somewhere else because they had just seated a large party and it would be quite a while before I would be able to get a seat. They suggested I try the Italian place, which happened to be next door, which was fine with me. I got a table and good service right away. The restaurant had a modern flair in a black, white and crystal color scheme. I enjoyed my meal.

The following morning I enjoyed some beach time:
Then I changed into my golf clothes, had a bite of lunch and went to the lobby to wait for the ride to the golf course. Apparently there was some miscommunication, because they didn't come and when they called the course they thought I was playing the following day! Oops. At this point it was too late to get a ride anywhere and play 18 holes. I wasn't very happy, but to make the most our of it I changed out of my golf clothes and back into my bathing suit and went to the swim up bar. I chatted with some people at the bar and tried a few new drinks, like a lemon drop and Iceberg (frozen Margarita in draft beer.)

The following day I played my first round of golf at La Canna Golf Course (not the one I was supposed to go to yesterday.) I played with an American fellow staying at the resort, who was traveling with a group of couples who were friends, but he was the only golfer. One of the tour operators in the lobby had been booking golf for him and suggested we go together in the taxi. We got along fine. He took the picture of me below. They use fallen, painted coconuts as tee markers. There were some nice holes along the ocean. The course was in good shape. They have 27 holes. We were only going to play 18, so I asked that we play the best reviewed pair of 9's, which were called Tortuga and Arrecife. If I go back some other time I can give Hacienda a try. Caddies are optional at this course and we didn't take one.

After golf I showered, changed and went to the Japanese cooking table restaurant. I was able to get a seat as soon as I had arrived. The table seated 10 and there were already 8 people there. The chef was already busy cooking. It seems it is a preset menu, so they don't ask what you want. The standard meal starts with miso soup and a green salad. The chef then prepares fried rice, chicken, shrimp and steak with some vegetables, along with a few good stories and some flaming and juggling tricks. Everything except the beef was great. I had my doubts about the beef when he first started cooking it. Unfortunately it was the toughest beef I have every encountered, to the point of being inedible. (Good think it was all included in the overall price of the trip.) The folks at the table weren't as friendly as some I have met at similar cooking tables in the past. Drinks were included also, so I asked for warm Saki. The waiter said they were out of it, but low and behold they found a bottle and brought me some. 
Every night the hotel brings in different local acts to entertain the guests. I generally went to watch at least part of the show. 

The next morning I discovered the coffee shop, which is much like a Starbucks, but included in the price of the stay. I tried a slushy decaffeinated coffee. My only real disappointment with the resort was the the decaffeinated coffee at the shop was instant, whereas I know they had ground decaf at other establishments on the property that they could have used in the espresso machine. But, it was good enough that I had a second one. The shop also had some gluten free pastries (I'm trying to avoid wheat flour, if I haven't mentioned that before), fresh fruit and yogurt. 

The same day I played Cocotal Golf Course. I was paired up with a father, son and son-in-law. The father and son were pretty good golfers. The son-in-law, who rode with me not so much. He ended up hitting from my ball when his went astray, which helped keep us moving. 
This wasn't the most photogenic course I played,
but I did note this very tall fan like palm near the entrance.
That evening I was invited to join the group belonging to the fellow I played my first round with as it was their last night at the resort. They were going to the French restaurant. I agreed to join them and had an enjoyable dinner. I had the salmon, which was nicely prepared and presented in a way I hadn't seen done before, a filet with some skin still attached: 
My next round of golf was a Punta Blanca, where near the practice putting green they display flags from all the countries their guests are native of:
It is hard to tell, but the Canadian flag is there, next to Germany.
Being a Saturday there were quite a few locals warming up to play. I ended up playing on my own. The groups I approached let me play through. This course wasn't in the best of shape, but the price was the lowest and did include snacks at the turn and lunch after the round. 
After golf I showered, changed and went to the steak restaurant, which was a short ways down the beach for dinner. It was nice to hear the surf while dining. I sat next to a nice couple from New York City, who were on a short get away and were there checking out various resorts to possibly have a destination wedding at. There were quite a few weddings taking place the week I was there.  The dinner was very good. Thankfully the steak was much more enjoyable than the one at the Japanese place a couple of nights prior. 

Sunday I played The Lakes, an inland course. The course was quite well maintained. The price isn't as high as those along the coast with ocean-side holes. There were Lakes, as the name suggests. Many of them were located around the par 3's making them attractive holes: 

The pace of play was good for most of the round, but with 3 holes left the group behind me caught up with me, so we played in together. They were a mostly Spanish speaking family, Mother, Father and grown Son. The father was the weakest golfer among them. The mother was quite good. Too bad it wasn't possible for me to play another round with her.

Following golf I had dinner at the Mexican restaurant. The meal started with this colorful and tasty appetizer of guacamole, salsa and multi colored chips. 
My final round of golf on this trip was at Corales, which recently started hosting a tournament on the PGA Tour offering FedEx Cup points. The course was immaculate. Perhaps it isn't very difficult to maintain when there seems to be very little play on it, due to the high price. The green fees are quite pricey and caddies are mandatory (I found out after I arrived with little cash on me.) There are two holes which are quite unique in that they are par 4's with two greens each, which I was told they alternate from day to day. Additionally the course has many holes along the coast, which adds to the beauty and challenge due to onshore breezes. I played alone with my caddy and it all seemed to be a bit rushed. We encountered a two-some of men, who I wouldn't have minded joining, but we instead rushed to play through them on a difficult hole, which I didn't play well on due to the rushing. The driving range is quite a drive from the 1st tee. My caddy asked if I wanted to drive, but I thought it would be best if he did seeing as he knew the course. In hind sight perhaps I should have at least started out driving, so I could have more control over the pace of play. 

I tried to get a cash advance on my VISA card, the same one I was paying the green fees with, but they said they couldn't do that. They said there was a bank machine in town I could go to and withdraw cash for the caddy. The caddy rode with my driver and I to the bank, but it turned that didn't work, so seeing as the caddy knew the driver, the driver agreed to wait for me to go to my room at the hotel and get my cash out of the safe to give to him and he would give the money to the caddy the following day. I hope the driver was honest and delivered the money as agreed. 
My hotel room was spacious with two queen beds. The air-conditioning was effective, but a little on the noisy side, which I reported and a maintenance guy came quite quickly to try and fix it. He make some improvement. The shower was a generous size and had good pressure. The butler (male maid) kept it clean and tidy. Each day he refolded the coverlet/foot runner. Here are a couple of his creations. Other places I have been they do towel art. There was an mini bar, but he never caught on that I didn't want coke but rather extra beer. Oh well, there was at least one bar open nearly 24 hours of the day.

The flights there and back were fine. The hotel exceeded my expectations in every way and I was able to play five golf courses I hadn't played before, as I was in a different part of the island. They have made a lot of progress in the preceding 25 years. The hotel also had excellent free WiFi. I was able to make calls back to North America over WiFi. I'd be happy to go back another time.

If you happen to be going to Punta Cana, my ranking of the courses I played from best to worst is as follows:
1) (Los) Corales
2) La Cana
3) El Cocotal
4) Barcelo The Lakes
5) Punta Blanca.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Drive North Spring 2019

While in Tucson, I had decided I would try for the second time to qualify for the US Senior Women's Open tournament, now in its second edition. Hypothetically there would be more spots for qualifiers, because for the inaugural event last year many retired LPGA players received exemptions. Those that didn't play well last year were expected to decline to attend this year freeing up some space for younger seniors. The tournament was going to be played earlier this year, than last, so qualifying also had to be held earlier. After evaluating all the possible qualifying sites and dates, I decided to go to Columbus,Ohio, again, though unfortunately it was not going to be at the same course as last year. 

I had a pretty tight schedule planned in order to make it there in time for a practice round prior to the tournament after wanting to stay in Tucson for the Golf Tracks Fun Day. 

My first day on the road, Tuesday, April 16th, the longest one I had scheduled, figuring while I was fresh, I may as well put some miles behind m. I made it to Albuquerque, New Mexico and stayed at the Cracker Barrel, enjoying dinner and breakfast there. I was the only camper there overnight. 

The following day I stopped at The Big Texan in Amarillo, Texas for lunch. The truck/trailer parking lot was pretty full. I had enjoyed my meal on a previous visit so decided to return. They did not disappoint me. I had planned on trying to make it to Oklahoma City, but there was severe weather in Oklahoma that day and I was a bit afraid of the storm, which could have included large hail. Listening to the radio and being unfamiliar with the various counties in the state, I wasn't sure where it was in relation to me. I looked at some weather radar as well, both on my phone and on the television at a truck stop. It seemed to be following me and somewhat to the north. Along the way my check engine light came on, never really a good thing. I stopped at a couple extra gas stations to inquire with the locals about the weather and to see if turning off the truck and starting it again would clear the light, but it didn't. No one wanted to advise me one way or the other on the weather. Given the unpredictable nature of storms I can't blame them. I found a nice campground that was listed in Passport America called Bobcat Creek RV Park in Sayre, Oklahoma and pulled in for the night. It just so happened that a short way down the road from the campground was a Ford dealership. The following morning I took Ann, my truck, in there and in a couple hours and for a couple hundred dollars the light was off. They said a sensor and the process got stuck while the exhaust filter was being cleaned and if I hadn't had it fixed there I could have run into some quite serious problems in the near future further down the road. While the work was being done I was driven to the nearby Denny's restaurant, where I had a nice leisurely brunch. At the next table were a couple who I learned were travelling by motor home and generally frequented KOA campgrounds (they had the directory with them and were making reservations for that evening). We had a nice chat. I was able to alert them to some money saving options for camping that they were not aware of. 

Dealing with the truck problem caused me to set out for the day a little later than planned. Thankfully I didn't have a very long drive ahead of me as I was heading to Springfield, Missouri to visit with my coach/friend Lisa Tinkler from Loyola. Upon my departure I let her know I would be later arriving and that was fine with her. When I got there they had already gone out to dinner and were home again, but I hadn't. We ended up going to get some groceries she needed for a staff party the following day, so I picked up some frozen "Steamers" and used her microwave to cook them and eat, while she prepared her food (deviled eggs and such) for the party. We had a nice visit and caught up on things. I had asked her to pick me up three custard concretes (sort of like a Dairy Queen Blizzard but with frozen custard instead of soft serve ice cream) so I had part of one for dessert and put the rest in my freezer for later. I had also shipped some items I had wanted to purchase, but had procrastinated about, so sending them to her place allowed more time for delivery. I was happy to get to pick those items up. 

The following morning I headed out for Effingham, Ilinoise. On the way there I remembered that I had been trying to make contact with the Jewish community in Columbus, because Saturday night was the second Passover Seder. I called Jewish Columbus and the director there was able to get me invited to a nice Jewish home for the Seder.  I stayed at another Cracker Barrel. The truck and trailer were both running well. 
RV Parking at Cracker Barrel, close enough to the hotel to connect to their WiFi!
Saturday morning I headed to Columbus, Ohio. I was going to camp at the fairgrounds as I had last year. Getting in there and setting up went easily. On the way to the Seder I stopped by the golf course to make sure I knew where it was and to see how the greens were running. 

The family I visited made me feel very welcome. There were 13 of us around the table, Mom (a bit younger than I am), Dad, their three grown children with their spouses/significant others, one grandson, one mother and an aunt with her husband. The Seder ceremony and meal was very much similar to what I had grown up with. I was interested in learning about them and they were as well about me. They had some wait staff on hand to help out. The appetizers and soup were served at the table. The main course and dessert were served buffet style.

Sunday was the practice round. I played with the other Canadians. Both of them had their spouses caddying for them.
In the year of my birth, nearly 55 years ago
they hosted a prestigious tournament. 
The clubhouse was large and stately.

Monday, I wasn't thinking very smartly on the first hole of the qualifying round and tried to hit the green on the long up hill par 4 in two, rather than laying up. Unfortunately my shot, which was pin high missed the green a bit to the right, took a really bad bounce into the green side bunker and came to rest in a terrible lie near the back edge of the bunker. I ended up taking a big number on the hole, from which I couldn't recover. I'll remember to play more conservatively on the first few holes at the next qualifier or multi day tournament I play. All that was going through my head when I found myself in a relatively good position after my drive was, "G-d hates a coward."

The golf was done by mid afternoon, so I was able to play tourist and decided to visit the Ohio Statehouse, which was built from 1838-1861. Admission is free and they have a self guided audio tour. I didn't have much time before they closed, but I was able to see it all and take a few photos. 
Intricate vaulted ceiling with stain glass window.
State Crest in stained glass. 
Outdoors they have quiet a few gardens and monuments of varying ages on the grounds. This one was the most meaningful for me. 
Holocaust Memorial.
The following day I returned to my summer seasonal campsite in Dunnville, Ontario. It was nice to get back to my own country. I didn't have any trouble crossing the border. The campground was quite wet and soft. The weather forecast was for more rain.