Tuesday, December 31, 2019

June in Ontario

While Peter and I were at the locker last week getting the couch, we filled the rest of the truck with boxes of other items I thought I could sell at a yard sale that was scheduled to be at the campground June 1st. Here's how I set up my stuff:

I did sell a few items, though I'm not sure the proceeds were worth all the effort. I tried selling the golf clothes and some spare accessories one Tuesday evening at an event for the Ladies League at Freedom Oaks. That was a complete waste of time. I donated a new lap blanket to a nursing home in Dunnville. What remained was donated to a second hand store in Dundas, where I felt I had closer ties than Dunnville. 

A few days later, my Ex-sister in law Christine was making a stop in Hamilton on her way to England and Ireland. 
A group of her friends from when she lived in Hamilton and I joined her at Swiss Chalet in East Hamilton for dinner. We have been communicating by phone and email periodically since she moved to British Columbia. There was a chance I was going to go out to the Canadian Senior Women's Golf Championship in BC in August and have a visit with her there, but this opportunity to visit, however briefly had helped me decide that the trip out west isn't really very important to me anymore and I will be skipping the Canadians. 

June 7th I was thinking about going to watch the Canadian Open in Ancaster at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club. I had arranged for a free pass and would have been able to see my friend Johnny Andrew. It was also Enid Aaron's birthday and she was going to be volunteering at the course that day and was going to be staying for the concert, which I also has some interest in. After rain on Thursday, I decided against going as it would have been a long day, between the drive there, watching golf, waiting for the concert to begin and then driving home in the dark. I decided to forgo the trip and ended up playing a nice round of golf with Lynn in the afternoon. 

June 12th I had an appointment at Beverly Golf Club to return my share and pick up a cheque for its value. I had been holding onto it primarily for sentimental reasons, but the privilege had been costing me $50 per month for quite a few years now, my share of the cost of the mortgage on the new clubhouse. I had been informed that there would soon be another assessment in order for them to upgrade the irrigation system. Seeing as I don't believe I will re-activate my membership to play there regularly, I decided selling at this time was the best alternative. While there I played what will be my final round at the course with my friend John Sharp, who I have played with several other times. I stayed over at Peter's. 

The following day I participated in a Mah Jongg Tournament at Beth Jacob Synagogue. I was a little rusty and didn't win anything, but it was a fun day, with good food and a chance to see some old acquaintances from the synagogue and some distant cousins. 
June 15th I played on a team in a Ladies golf tournament, a fundraiser for breast cancer, at Lookout Point, which is where the Canadian Senior Woman's championship was held last year, which I played in. This tournament is held only once every two years and has a waiting list. I was filling in for a lady who couldn't make it. I had played elsewhere with Patricia and Soon. It was interesting to meet Kathy and get to know her. She is an Indigenous Canadian who lives on a nearby reservation. Kathy picked up Patricia and then picked me up on her way to the course, which is about 45 minutes from my place.
Patricia Brat, Kathy Jamieson, Me & Soon Huh.
I ran into quite a few ladies there that I knew from other golf events. Our team ended up in a three way tie in the putting contest. In order to break the tie they had a putt off in the banquet hall, with an indoor putting game and putters from the pro shop. One representative was selected for each team. I was selected for the team I was on. After the first round of sudden death, one team was eliminated. The other gal and I went 3 more rounds before she missed and I made it! We won gift sets of watches and bracelets. They were different colors, so we traded among ourselves until we had the colors we wanted.
I was happy with the Black set.
In the scramble tournament we placed 5th overall and got a gift certificate, which I exchanged for a pair of rain pants.
June 22nd was the big Dunnville Hospital Fundraising golf tournament at Freedom Oaks. I thought the price was a bit high for people who were already members of the course, so instead of playing in it, I decided to try a course in the area that was new to me. I chose to play at Pelham Hills 
after getting a really good deal on the green fees from the Golf Now ap. I was put in a group with a Chinese couple and their 25 year old daughter from Toronto. They were all pretty good golfers. I had a nice round with them. They were spending the weekend in nearby Niagara Falls as a goodbye celebration before their daughter was heading to Germany for a job. I enjoyed the course. It was a bit wet, as pretty much everywhere in the area is given all the rain we have had this spring

June 28th I packed up some things and headed to my cousins, Steven and Judi Kauffman, cottage for their annual "cousins weekend." I had been invited in the past but had not been able to attend as it conflicted with golf events or other commitments as summer weekends are usually pretty busy, especially as this one was also the long Canada Day holiday weekend. Last years was cancelled because Judi was battling some health conditions, so it was a great sign that the event was taking place this year. I felt it was very important to attend, seeing as we aren't getting any younger. It ended up being mostly a Smurlick weekend as everyone from my immediate family that lives in Ontario attended, and there was only one other couple there for the most part of the weekend, with a few others coming up only for part of one day. 
Dinner Friday Night
Everyone was given a shopping list of items to bring towards the meals and we all pitched in at various times for their preparation. I was assigned 3 types of melon. 
The weather wasn't perfect, but one day Steven took us all out on his new pontoon boat for a cruise, primarily to get ice cream cones. 

Another day I got out in my kayak, while Rob and Elizabeth were in a canoe. I saw the cutest family of Loons. 
Mother Loon and three chicks.
At nighttime you could clearly hear their haunting calls.  I was prepared to teach Judi to play Mah Jongg, but she decided she wasn't interested, so my students ended up being Shirley, Elizabeth and Robert. We also played Rummy cube, Settlers of Catan, watched some movies, enjoyed conversation during meals and had a tour of Steven's observatory. At Steven's request, I built a 4 hole pitch and putt golf course in the front yard. 

I also had a minor roll helping Steven, Elizabeth and Robert build a corn hole set, using Steven's power tools and safety equipment. Overall it was a really fun weekend.
Typical sunset over the lake.