Saturday, January 28, 2017

Tucson, Arizona, Summary Part 1 (Nothing About Golf)

When I first arrived in Tucson, I noticed something unusual about the traffic pattern.  Specifically when it comes to turning left at large intersections, instead of the advanced green turning lights I am accustomed to, in Tucson they have delayed left turn lights.  It sees quite strange at first, but now that I am used to it, it seems to make some sense.  It might be something they should adopt in Toronto.  It isn't like that at all intersections but most of them.

Another different thing I noticed was that to advertise garage/yard sales, instead of posting fliers on light posts, people post them on the sides of an empty box, like from the liquor store, and put a rock in the box to keep it from blowing away. They position them on the medians at the stop lights.  Rocks are readily available in the desert and I guess with the primarily dry weather the boxes last.

Other than golfing, park activities, dining out and checking out a few bars (for World Junior Hockey games and live music), I did three other things while in Tucson.  One day I went to Biosphere 2, which was a closed environmental experiment back in the 1990's.  It is now an open environment but is still being used for scientific experiments, mostly about how soil, water and plants interact.  It was interesting. 
Exterior Walls of Biosphere.
In the rain forest section.
Current Experiment on Growing in Water.

Main Growing Section from Exterior.
Another thing I did was to go the Mission San Xavier with my golf friend John, as my local tour guide.  It was founded in 1692 by Jesuit missionary Father Eusebio Fracisco Kino (the same order, who founded Loyola), who was spreading Catholicism among the indigenous people in Mexico and the south west U.S.  Since 1978 concerned citizens have been working on preserving and restoring the church.  There is a video about all the work they have done and what is left to do.  
Outer Courtyard to Mission Grounds.  Fountain previously used for Baptisms.

Front facade, note the unfinished tower.
Ornate main entrance to church.

They have done a remarkable job as the church and its treasurers had fallen into disrepair.  The church is at the base of a small mountain, which we hiked part way up and having expended a few calories we indulged in American Indian Fry Bread with cinnamon sugar topping, that was for sale next to the parking lot, once we were back down.   

The last thing I did was go out on my bike and ride on the off road trails starting near where I was living a few times.  I enjoyed riding next to the "washes," a term new to me earlier on this trip, areas where rain floodwaters will run during stormy periods, but which are generally dry.  I would have liked to have done more riding, perhaps driving the bicycle to a different part of town to observe different scenery.  The city has an already extensive, but still being expanded and improved, trail system complete with maps.  Much of the terrain is flat, which allows me to ride greater distances with little effort.

While at Tucson Meadows, I made friends with some of the other campers.  I was invited to a pre-Christmas parade through the park featuring a lighted fire truck. 

Prior to the parade, I finally got around to decorating my trailer for the occasion with the lights I selected as my prize from the Mixed tournament at Brantford Golf Club in early July. So they went from this: 

to this:

The parade was a bit disappointing after seeing other park parades with golf carts decorated and also lighted boats in Punta Gorda.  The parade was only one cart and the fire truck, which was running late and went by very fast.  

We had a little party outdoors with a campfire and snacks.  I took a crock pot with meatballs in Kraft BBQ sauce.  They went over well. 

Additionally, I was invited to a Christmas Eve Mexican Dinner and a Christmas Day Dinner, along with John, with whom by this date I was spending quite a bit of time. 

A few of the attendees.
Christmas Day Luncheon

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