Monday, March 27, 2017

Next Stop Gulf Port

The next main stopping point was supposed to be in the area of Brewton, Alabama in order to see my coach and friends that play at the Country Club of Brewton, however there was not a campsite available at the nearby base for a further 4 days, and my arrival date there was flexible, so we decided to stop at the Naval Base in Gulf Port. 

On the way there we stopped to play the Diamondhead Country Club, Pine course, in Diamondhead, Mississippi, which several people from the New Orleans area recommended.  This was John's first taste of hilly, forest lined golf as we will experience in Brewton.  They had this neat carving next to the first tee:

From Diamondhead to Gulf Port the drive offered John lots more views of water and travel across causeways. 

The base has two campgrounds, the old and the new.  We were on a site on the old one, which was perfectly fine with me.  It was closer to the entrance gate and had mostly pull-through sites, whereas the new one is way into the base and has mostly back-in sites, but is next to a lake, which might have been nice.  The old campground is also bordered by two exterior roads and a cemetery, but our site was in the middle so none of those things were close enough to bother us.

Another benefit of staying on the bases is access to their grocery and department stores, which offer good pricing and no added sales tax.  I'm getting a bit spoiled with access to these.

On Tuesday we went to another nearby base that had their own golf course, as some of the better courses in the area are closed on Tuesdays.  The course was pretty flat and mostly wide open but did have a couple of holes near the gulf that were pretty:

And other holes that ran next to the runways:

On the way back we took the coastal highway, which offered great water views for John.  We stopped at a seafood bar for a snack and to watch the sunset:

On Wednesday we went to play Windance a course that was recommended to us by the starter at Diamondhead.  I really enjoyed it.  There are some really pretty holes:

I found it to be very similar to Grand Bear a course in the area I had played previously, which is more expensive.  

On Thursday we relaxed and did chores during the day, and then went to the base bar in the evening to watch the U of A Basketball game in the March madness round of 64.

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